Monday, 16 July 2012

The great Google Sandbox-Penalty swindle

Ok now we all know about the sandbox effect => most people around here consider it a myth or a variant of the google dance.
Never the less most people consider there are penalties => google puts you a few places lower from 30 to 950
Now I dont say that there are such penalties but I dont admit they exist either.
Never the less google will “ban” you if other autority sites mark you as a spammer => you will become a so called spammer if you build a lot of low quality irelevant links.
Now after all that noncense I have a question:
If any of the above is true then you CAN take your competitor sites down but what if you have a white hat site and somebody spames it to death and complains to google about it- could you do anything about it?
People complain about there sites not ranking well anymore all the time I wonder what the real reason for this is

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